Thursday, March 9, 2017

Day 24: Theater at Baldpate: Part Two, Dining Room to Sundeck

It seems only natural, having a mystery novel as part of our legacy, that revisiting the stage play would almost be mandatory. Interest in having a production of “Seven Keys to Baldpate” has been in demand over the years.

Seven Keys to Baldpate Radio Play Production
Since the Dance Hall was pretty much in ruins, having collapsed under the weight of snow when we purchased the property, we had to improvise the first years and thanks to the creativity of some very talented locals, in honor of Baldpate’s 75th anniversary, we started in 1992 with our radio play, performed in the dining room. Dick Anderson, Kerry Aiken & David Czapp along with director Melody Paige created magic with their microphones and sound effects (think crunching potato chips for footsteps in frozen snow.)  Sam Sandoe had created our radio hour script in which each character came to life and delighted listeners.

At the end of a two-year run, the production became too popular to fit in the dining rooms, and we decided next time to take it up a notch.

By now we had done several stabilizations and started restoration for the beloved Dance Hall, reclaiming the original fireplace and about one fourth of the original floor space in what we dubbed the Sundeck, a place guests could sit and enjoy the sun.

Time for the next step, so in the spring of 1999, MacKenzie (with his dog, Leika) tackled the job of repairing the Sundeck once again, enabling us to produce a live staged version of the play. 

Melody Page stepped in to direct our enthusiastic 1999 Staff in creating our production.  Our staff worked incredibly hard to not only do their “day” jobs, but also to memorize scripts, practice and perform for our guests that summer. 

Baldpate staff of 1999 in The Seven Keys to Baldpate

Can’t say it wasn’t a challenge, but it was a smash success! 

1999 Baldpate Staff Cast with Director Melody Page

Written by Lois Smith

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