Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Day 9: Frozen or on the Rocks? (National Margarita Day)

It has always been hard for us imagine, with the number of deliveries we receive every week, how they ever managed back in the day! They only had this state of the art “icebox” (which we now use for a china cabinet in our Dining Room), and yet today we still run out of space with two giant refrigerators (each four times the size of this one), two small refrigerators, two freezers and an ice machine!

Lig-o-nier Refrigerator Co, Ligonier Indiana USA

A 1921 October 28 Town & Countryside article documented, “Among improvements at Baldpate Inn is a fine new ice house.” This tiny ice house building remains by our driveway today, a reminder of the conveniences of yesteryear.

In February 1923, the newspapers again reported that “Charles and Gordon Mace, proprietors of  Baldpate Inn, came up Sunday from Denver and spent Monday and Tuesday assisting with the work of storing the ice supply for next summer.”

Looking at these pictures, we are not sure which is more phenomenal, driving the "Woody" (truck) out on the lake or standing on the edge of the ice while sawing it off!! 

For an even deeper appreciation of ice cutting, you can view this 1919 amateur ice cutting film. This was not taken at Baldpate; we are pretty sure all our ice was cut by hand (no horsepower).  And crazy as it seems, we do even have the original ice saw on display in the Key Room. Check it out on your next visit!

So enjoy all that ice in your favorite beverage!  Cheers!

Written by Lois Smith




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